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Modern Deep Learning (DL) models have grown to sizes requiring massive clusters of specialized, high-end nodes to train. Designing such clusters to maximize both performance and utilization to amortize their steep cost is a challenging task requiring careful balance of compute, memory, and network resources. Moreover, a plethora of each model's tuning knobs drastically affect the performance, with optimal values often depending on the underlying cluster's characteristics, which necessitates a complex cluster-workload co-design process. To facilitate the design space exploration of such massive DL training clusters, we introduce COMET a holistic cluster design methodology and workflow to jointly study the impact of parallelization strategies and key cluster resource provisioning on the performance of distributed DL training. We develop a step-by-step process to establish a reusable and flexible methodology, and demonstrate its application with a case study of training a Transformer-1T model on a cluster of variable compute, memory, and network resources. Our case study demonstrates COMET's utility in identifying promising architectural optimization directions and guiding system designers in configuring key model and cluster parameters.
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Achieving knowledge sharing within an artificial swarm system could lead to significant development in autonomous multiagent and robotic systems research and realize collective intelligence. However, this is difficult to achieve since there is no generic framework to transfer skills between agents other than a query-response-based approach. Moreover, natural living systems have a "forgetfulness" property for everything they learn. Analyzing such ephemeral nature (temporal memory properties of new knowledge gained) in artificial systems has never been studied in the literature. We propose a behavior tree-based framework to realize a query-response mechanism for transferring skills encoded as the condition-action control sub-flow of that portion of the knowledge between agents to fill this gap. We simulate a multiagent group with different initial knowledge on a foraging mission. While performing basic operations, each robot queries other robots to respond to an unknown condition. The responding robot shares the control actions by sharing a portion of the behavior tree that addresses the queries. Specifically, we investigate the ephemeral nature of the new knowledge gained through such a framework, where the knowledge gained by the agent is either limited due to memory or is forgotten over time. Our investigations show that knowledge grows proportionally with the duration of remembrance, which is trivial. However, we found minimal impact on knowledge growth due to memory. We compare these cases against a baseline that involved full knowledge pre-coded on all agents. We found that knowledge-sharing strived to match the baseline condition by sharing and achieving knowledge growth as a collective system.
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多机器人和多代理系统通过系统的局部行为集成在组中表现出集体(Swarm)智能。分享有关任务和环境知识的代理商可以提高个人和任务水平的绩效。但是,这很难实现,部分原因是缺乏用于在代理之间转移一部分知识(行为)的通用框架。本文提出了一个新的知识表示框架和一种称为KT-BT:通过行为树的知识转移的转移策略。 KT-BT框架遵循通过在线行为树框架进行查询反应加速机制,在该框架中,代理对未知条件进行广播查询,并使用条件性能控制子流量以适当的知识做出响应。我们嵌入了一种称为StringBT的新型语法结构,该结构编码知识,从而实现行为共享。从理论上讲,我们研究了KT-BT框架的特性,与异质系统相比,整个小组的高知识同质性具有高度知识的性质,而没有能力共享知识。我们在模拟的多机器人搜索和救援问题中广泛验证了我们的框架。结果表明,在各种情况下,成功传递知识转移并提高了群体绩效。我们进一步研究了机会和沟通范围对一组代理商中群体绩效,知识传播和功能异质性的影响,并提供有趣的见解。
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药物的因果模型已用于分析机器学习系统的安全性方面。但是,识别代理是非平凡的 - 通常只是由建模者假设而没有太多理由来实现因果模型 - 建模失败可能会导致安全分析中的错误。本文提出了对代理商的第一个正式因果定义 - 大约是代理人是制度,如果他们的行为以不同的方式影响世界,则可以改善其政策。由此,我们得出了第一个用于从经验数据中发现代理的因果发现算法,并提供了用于在因果模型和游戏理论影响图之间转换的算法。我们通过解决不正确的因果模型引起的一些混乱来证明我们的方法。
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在两个非辅助变形形状之间建立对应关系是视觉计算中最根本的问题之一。当对现实世界中的挑战(例如噪声,异常值,自我结合等)挑战时,现有方法通常会显示出弱的弹性。另一方面,自动描述器在学习几何学上有意义的潜在嵌入方面表现出强大的表现力。但是,它们在\ emph {形状分析}中的使用受到限制。在本文中,我们介绍了一种基于自动码头框架的方法,该方法在固定模板上学习了一个连续形状的变形字段。通过监督点在表面上的变形场,并通过小说\ emph {签名距离正则化}(SDR)正规化点偏面的正规化,我们学习了模板和Shape \ Emph {卷}之间的对齐。经过干净的水密网眼培训,\ emph {没有}任何数据启发,我们证明了在受损的数据和现实世界扫描上表现出令人信服的性能。
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